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、关闭萃取槽顶盖,易燃易爆气体的洩漏在所难免,同时在频繁打开 、关闭萃取槽顶盖的过程中,产生静电火花的概率也较高,在规模化的工业生产中使用这些气体,危险性是显而易见的。
[ 200510048681 ]-青蒿素提取的方法*
[ 200510048619 ]-亚临界流体处理烟草的方法*
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[ 200810019214 ]-一种酚类化合物的同步净化提取方法
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[ 86202977
Subcritical water chromatography: A green approach to
high-temperature liquid chromatography.
temperatures and pressures lower than 374 degrees C and
218 atm, subcritical water has widely tunable properties
such as dielectric constant, surface tension, viscosity,
and dissociation constant achieved by simply adjusting
the temperature with a moderate pressure to keep water
in the liquid state. At elevated temperatures, water
acts like a weak polar organic solvent. Thus,
subcritical water has been used as a green eluent to
replace hazardous solvents commonly used as organic
modifiers in RPLC. Subcritical water chromatography (SBWC)
is capable of separating polar, moderately polar, and
even some nonpolar analytes. Most of these low molecular
weight solutes are stable at elevated temperatures
during a chromatographic run. Some new packing materials
are also quite stable and robust at mild temperatures
ranging from 80 to 150 degrees C. Advantages of SBWC
include the elimination of hazardous organic solvents
used in traditional RPLC, rapid analysis time, improved
selectivity, temperature-dependent separation
efficiency, temperature-programmed elution, and
compatibility with both gas- and liquid-phase detectors.
In this paper, the technical aspects as well as the
applications of SBWC are reviewed. Topics addressed in
this review include the unique characteristics of
subcritical water, analytes separated by SBWC, packing
materials tested for SBWC, the application of GC and LC
detection techniques in SBWC, SBWC instrumentation
development, temperature effects on SBWC separation, and
models developed for separation in SBWC.
Rapid column heating method for subcritical water
A novel
resistive heating method is presented for subcritical
water chromatography (SWC) that provides higher column
heating rates than those conventionally obtained from
temperature-programmed gas chromatography (GC)
convection ovens. Since the polarity of water reduces
dramatically with increasing temperature, SWC employs
column heating to achieve gradient elution. As such, the
rate at which the mobile phase is heated directly
impacts the magnitude of such gradients applied in SWC.
Data from the current study demonstrate that the maximum
column heating rate attainable in a typical SWC
apparatus (i.e. using a GC convection oven) is around 10
degrees C/min, even at instrument oven settings of over
three times this value. Conversely, by wrapping the
separation column with ceramic insulation and a
resistively heated wire, the column heating rates are
increased five-fold. As a result, elution times can be
greatly decreased in SWC employing gradients.
Separations of standard alcohol test mixtures
demonstrate that the retention time of the latest
eluting component decreases by 35 to 50% using the
prototype method. Additionally, solute retention times
in this mode deviate by less than 1% RSD over several
trials, which compares very well to those obtained using
a conventional GC convection oven. Results suggest that
the developed method can be a useful alternative heating
technique in SWC.
Hydrolysis kinetics of trisaccharides consisting of
glucose, galactose, and fructose residues in subcritical
hydrolysis kinetics of trisaccharides consisting of
glucose, galactose, and fructose residues with different
glycosidic bonds, 1-kestose, d-melezitose, d-raffinose,
and lactosucrose, in subcritical water were conducted
over the temperature range of 150-230 degrees C and at a
constant pressure of 10 MPa. The hydrolysis of
trisaccharides in subcritical water proceeded
consecutively, i.e., one cleavage of the two bonds
antedated the other. The preceding cleavage was not
expressed by the first-order kinetics, but by the
kinetics considering the concentration of the acidic
compounds, which were produced by the degradation of the
constituent monosaccharides. The hydrolysis of the
constituent disaccharides, except sucrose composed of
the alpha-Glc-(1-->2)-beta-Fru bond, obeyed first-order
kinetics. All of the rate constants of the hydrolytic
kinetics were determined, and the values were found to
depend on the type of bond.
Subcritical water extraction of nutraceuticals with
antioxidant activity from oregano. Chemical and
functional characterization.
In the
present work, oregano leaves (Origanum vulgare L.) are
explored as natural source of nutraceuticals with
antioxidant activity. To do this, subcritical water
extraction (SWE), a new environmentally friendly
technique, is employed as extraction procedure and HPLC
coupled to DAD is used for the chemical characterization
of the extracts. Moreover, the radical scavenging
1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method and the
determination of the total phenolic content (measured
with the Folin test) are applied to evaluate the
antioxidant activity of the extracts. The extraction of
antioxidants from oregano leaves by SWE is studied
considering different temperatures (25, 50, 100, 150 and
200 degrees C) to investigate the selectivity of the
process. The highest antioxidant activity is observed
for the extract obtained at the highest temperature, 200
degrees C (EC(50) equal to 10 microg/ml). Moreover, the
extraction yield was also the highest (54% dry weight)
at these extraction conditions. The total phenolic
content showed no differences among the different
extracts, concluding that the amount of phenolic
compounds extracted was similar but the type and
structure of the phenolics was different, providing in
this way different antioxidant activity. Some compounds
could be tentatively identified, proposing some probable
chemical structures for some of them, such as flavanones,
dihydroflavonols, favonols and flavones.
Development of pressurized subcritical water extraction
combined with stir bar sorptive extraction for the
analysis of organochlorine pesticides and chlorobenzenes
in soils.
analytical method for the determination of several
organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) like
hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), cyclodiene derivates (dieldrin,
aldrin, endrin, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, endrin
aldehyde, endosulfan and ensodulfan sulphate) and DDX
compounds (p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDD and p,p'-DDT) as well as
chlorobenzenes in soils has been developed. The
procedure is based on pressurized subcritical water
extraction (PSWE) followed by stir bar sorptive
extraction (SBSE) and subsequent thermodesorption-gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. Significant
PSWE and SBSE parameters were optimized using spiked
soil and water samples. For the PSWE of the
organochlorine compounds, water modified with
acetonitrile as the extraction solvent, at an extraction
temperature of 120 degrees C, and three cycles of 10 min
extraction proved to be optimal. Under optimized
conditions, the figures of merit, such as precision,
accuracy and detection limits were evaluated. The
detection limits obtained for soil samples were in the
range 0.002-4.7 ng/g. Recoveries between 4.1 and 85.2%
were achieved from samples spiked at a concentration
level of 25-155 ng/g. The main advantages of this method
are the avoidance of clean-up and concentration
procedures as well as the significant reduction of the
required volume of organic solvents. The described
method was applied to the determination of the
pollutants in soil samples collected from a polluted
area, the Bitterfeld region (Germany). The results
obtained by PSWE-SBSE were in a good agreement with
those obtained by a reference method, a conventional
pressurized liquid extraction (PLE).
Efficient decomposition of environmentally persistent
perfluorooctanesulfonate and related fluorochemicals
using zerovalent iron in subcritical water.
Decomposition of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and
related chemicals in subcritical water was investigated.
Although PFOS demonstrated little reactivity in pure
subcritical water, addition of zerovalent metals to the
reaction system enhanced the PFOS decomposition to form
F-ions, with an increasing order of activity of no metal
approximately equal Al < Cu < Zn << Fe. Use of iron led
to the most efficient PFOS decomposition: When iron
powder was added to an aqueous solution of PFOS (93-372
microM) and the mixture was heated at 350 degrees C for
6 h, PFOS concentration in the reaction solution fell
below 2.2 microM (detection limit of HPLC with
conductometric detection), with formation of F-ions with
yields [i.e., (moles of F- formed)/(moles of fluorine
content in initial PFOS) x 100] of 46.2-51.4% and
without any formation of perfluorocarboxylic acids. A
small amount of CHF3 was detected in the gas phase with
a yield [i.e., (moles of CHF3)/(moles of carbon content
in initial PFOS) x 100] of 0.7%, after the reaction of
PFOS (372 microM) with iron at 350 degree C for 6 h.
Spectroscopic measurements indicated that PFOS in water
markedly adsorbed on the iron surface even at room
temperature, and the adsorbed fluorinated species on the
iron surface decomposed with rising temperature, with
prominent release of F- ions to the solution phase above
250 degrees C. This method was also effective in
decomposing other perfluoroalkylsulfonates bearing
shorter chain (C2-C6) perfluoroalkyl groups and was
successfully applied to the decomposition of PFOS
contained in an antireflective coating agent used in
semiconductor manufacturing.
Resource recovery from excess sludge by subcritical
water combined with magnesium ammonium phosphate
The amount
of excess sludge produced in municipal wastewater
treatment plants in Japan is increasing every year as
the urban population increases. Phosphorus in excess
sludge could be a potential phosphorus resource since at
present, phosphate rock is being exhausted all over the
world. Every year, Japan imports large quantities of
phosphorus from abroad but much is discharged as excess
sludge. Therefore, the solubilization process, one
method of recovering phosphorus from sludge, could be a
promising solution. In this study, a subcritical water
process, a new technology that solubilizes sludge under
subcritical conditions, was applied before the
phosphorus in sludge was recovered with the magnesium
ammonium phosphate (MAP) process. As a result, the
solubilization rate of excess sludge achieved
approximately 80% and about 94-97% of the phosphorus
could be recovered.
Rapid determination of inorganic elements in airborne
particulate matter by using acidified subcritical-water
extraction and inductively-coupled
plasma-optical-emission spectrometry.
A rapid and
simple method has been developed for determination of
inorganic elements in airborne particulate matter (PM10)
by using acidified subcritical water and ICP-OES.
Elements such as Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Se,
and Zn were rapidly and efficiently extracted from PM10
samples with a solution of 0.1 mol L(-1) HNO(3) under
subcritical conditions. The method requires
approximately 5% of the amount of acid used in the
standard microwave extraction procedure. The material
selected for the subcritical extraction manifold was
poly ether ether ketone (PEEK), to avoid sample
contamination with elements present in previously
reported stainless-steel manifolds. The extraction
temperature, time of static and dynamic extraction, and
flow rate of acidified water were studied keeping the
pressure controlled at about 1,500 psig. The efficiency
of extraction of most of the analytes increased with
temperature, tending to quantitative extraction at
temperatures near 150 degrees C. After the extraction
process the analytes were determined directly in the
extract by ICP-OES. When the method was compared with
the USEPA counterpart, the results indicate that under
optimized conditions (static extraction time: 15 min,
dynamic extraction time: 30 min, flow rate: 2 mL
min(-1)) the analytes were extracted with recoveries
between 73 and 158%. Alternatively, by using an
extraction time of 15 min, the method could be used to
screen for all the elements, with recoveries over 50%.
The developed method was applied to the determination of
inorganic elements in airborne particulate matter in the
atmosphere of Santiago, Chile.
Decomposition kinetics of maltose in subcritical water.
decomposition process of maltose in subcritical water
was studied using a tubular reactor in the temperature
range of 180 to 260 degrees C and at 10 MPa. The
formation of glucose and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde
during the maltose decomposition was also observed. The
decomposition rate of maltose was faster at higher
temperatures. The rate was approximated by first-order
kinetics during the early stage of the decomposition,
but was accelerated and deviated from these kinetics at
the later stage. The effluent pH decreased as the
residence time in the reactor increased and the decrease
of pH affected the maltose decomposition rate and
glucose formation. Low pH of a feed solution accelerated
maltose decomposition. A good correlation was obtained
between the pH of the effluent and the rate constant of
the first-order kinetics.
Hydrolysis of ginger bagasse starch in subcritical water
and carbon dioxide.
bagasse from supercritical extraction was hydrolyzed
using subcritical water and CO(2) to produce reducing
sugars and other low molecular mass substances. Response
surface methodology was used to find the best hydrolysis
conditions; the degree of hydrolysis and the yield were
the two response variables selected for maximization.
The kinetic studies of the hydrolysis were performed at
150 bar and temperatures of 176, 188, and 200 degrees C.
The higher degree of hydrolysis (97.1% after 15 min of
reaction) and higher reducing sugars yield (18.1% after
11 min of reaction) were established for the higher
process temperature (200 degrees C). Different mixtures
of oligosaccharides with different molecular mass
distributions were obtained, depending on the
temperature and on the reaction time. The ginger bagasse
hydrolysis was treated as a heterogeneous reaction with
a first-order global chemical kinetic, in relation to
the starch concentration, which resulted in an
activation energy of 180.2 kJ/mol and a preexponential
factor of 5.79 x 10(17)/s.
Subcritical (hot/liquid) water dechlorination of PCBs (Aroclor
1254) with metal additives and in waste paint.
No disposal
option exists for "mixed wastes" such as paint scrapings
that are co-contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs) and radioactive metals. Either removal or
destruction of the PCBs is required prior to disposal.
Comparison of subcritical water dechlorination (350
degrees C, 1 h) of Aroclor 1254 in paint scrapings (180
ppm) and of standard Aroclor 1254 showed significantly
enhanced dechlorination in the presence of paint. While
no significant degradation was observed for standard
Aroclor (no paint), the dechlorination of PCBs in paint
was 99, 99, and 80% for the hepta-, hexa-, and
pentachlorinated congeners, respectively, indicating
that metals in the paint enhanced the dechlorination
reactions. Adding metals to the standard Aroclor (no
paint) reactions enhanced PCB dechlorination in
subcritical water in descending order of activity: Pb
approximately = Cu > Al > Zn > Fe. In the presence of
both zerovalent and divalent lead and zerovalent copper
in subcritical water (350 degrees C, 1 h), 99% of the
Aroclor 1254 mixture (tetra- to heptachlorinated
biphenyls) was dechlorinated. High dechlorination (ca.
95%) was also achieved with zerovalent aluminum. In
contrast to other metals, lead retained its degradation
ability at a lower temperature of 250 degrees C after 18
h. The high degradation efficiency achieved using metal
additives in water at reasonable temperatures and
pressures demonstrates the potential for subcritical
water dechlorination of PCBs in paint scrapings and,
potentially, in other solid and liquid wastes.
Off-line coupling of subcritical water extraction with
subcritical water chromatography via a sorbent trap and
thermal desorption.
In this
study, the off-line coupling of subcritical water
extraction (SBWE) with subcritical water chromatography
(SBWC) was achieved using a sorbent trap and thermal
desorption. The sorbent trap was employed to collect the
extracted analytes during subcritical water extraction.
After the extraction, the trap was connected to the
subcritical water chromatography system, and thermal
desorption of the trapped analytes was performed before
the SBWC run. The thermally desorbed analytes were then
introduced into the subcritical water separation column
and detected by a UV detector. Anilines and phenols were
extracted from sand and analyzed using this off-line
coupling technique. Subcritical water extraction of
flavones from orange peel followed by subcritical water
chromatographic separation was also investigated. The
effects of water volume and extraction temperature on
flavone recovery were determined. Because a sorbent trap
was used to collect the extracted analytes, the
sensitivity of this technique was greatly enhanced as
compared to that of subcritical water extraction with
solvent trapping. Since no organic solvent-water
extractions were necessary prior to analysis, this
technique eliminated any use of organic solvents in both
extraction and chromatography processes.
Subcritical water extraction of antioxidant compounds
from rosemary plants.
Subcritical water extraction at several
temperatures ranging from 25 to 200 degrees C has been
studied to selectively extract antioxidant compounds
from rosemary leaves. An exhaustive characterization of
the fractions obtained using subcritical water at
different temperatures has been carried out by LC-MS,
and the antioxidant activities of the extracts have been
measured by a free radical method (DPPH). Results
indicate high selectivity of the subcritical water
toward the most active compounds of rosemary such as
carnosol, rosmanol, carnosic acid, methyl carnosate, and
some flavonoids such as cirsimaritin and genkwanin. The
antioxidant activity of the fractions obtained by
extraction at different water temperatures was very
high, with values around 11.3 microg/mL, comparable to
those achieved by SFE of rosemary leaves. A study of the
effect of the temperature on the extraction efficiency
of the most typical rosemary antioxidant compounds has
been performed.
Alkaline subcritical-water treatment and alkaline heat
treatment for the increase in biodegradability of
newsprint waste.
This work
describes two alkaline semicontinuous processes for the
conversion of refractory organic materials into
biodegradable substances. Newsprint was used as a
lignocellulosic waste. Methane conversion efficiencies
and cellulose removals were investigated for the two
following processes: alkaline subcritical-water
treatment (ASWT) coupled with methane fermentation and
alkaline heat treatment (newsprint heated with steam in
an autoclave; AHT) coupled with methane fermentation
with a neutral subcritical-water treatment (NSWT)
recycle. Results showed that for ASWT coupled with
methane fermentation higher methane conversion
efficiencies and higher cellulose removals were achieved
as HRT increased. At HRT = 20 days, average CH4
conversion efficiency and average cellulose removal
reached 26% and 44%, respectively. After a final HRT of
40 days, average CH4 conversion efficiency and average
cellulose removal reached 50% and 60%, respectively. On
the other hand, for AHT coupled with methane
fermentation, methane conversion efficiencies did not
show a greater improvement using this pretreatment
process. Average conversion reached 9% with an average
cellulose removal of 20%. In order to improve the yield
of the reactor, approximately one-third of the effluent
was recycled using NSWT (150 degrees C; neutral pH).
Methane conversion efficiency of this process increased
as more recycles were performed. For the fifth
operation, the total average methane conversion
efficiency was 44% with a total average cellulose
removal of 55%.
A novel process utilizing subcritical water and
nitrilotriacetic acid to extract hazardous elements from
MSW incinerator fly ash.
effective process for hazardous element extraction from
municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash was developed.
The key trait of the process was to extract most of the
hazardous elements out of the ash but leave Ca and Si
inside the residue. In the extraction process, the ash
was firstly pre-washed with water, then subjected to
subcritical water (SC water) treatment and
nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) extraction. SEM images
indicated that SC water is strong enough to destroy the
ash particles, thus greatly improving hazardous elements
extraction efficiency in the subsequent NTA extraction
process. The extraction percentages for Cr, As, Se, Cd
and Pb under SC water+NTA treatment were around 2-6
times higher than those treated by NTA at room
conditions. The preferable SC treatment temperature was
573 K and the treatment time was 3 h. The optimum NTA
concentration, vibration time and liquid/solid ratio
were 0.8 M, 5 h and 10:1 (ml/g), respectively.
Furthermore, it was found that introduction of a
suitable amount of sulfuric acid into the extraction
solution could extract more than 90% of most of the
hazardous elements out of the ash.
Reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
by zerovalent iron in subcritical water.
A new
method for reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated
dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and remediation of
contaminated soils is described that uses zerovalent
iron as the dechlorination agent and subcritical water
as reaction medium and extractive solvent. It is found
that the zerovalent iron can be applied for stepwise
dechlorination of octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD)
on various matrixes in subcritical water. By using iron
powder as matrix higher chlorinated congeners were
practically completely reduced to less than
tetra-substituted homologues. A significant part of
residual OCDD, when it was spiked in to soils, and
formed less chlorinated congeners are extracted with
water in the given conditions. The solubility of OCDD
was increased by a 4-6 orders over its solubility at
ambient conditions. The new method of contentious-flow
extraction is described.
Subcritical water extraction and determination of
nifedipine in pharmaceutical formulations.
A rapid and
simple continuous method for the extraction of
nifedipine from tablets was developed by using
pressurized hot water at 150 degrees C. This is the
first time that subcritical water was applied to the
extraction of low-polarity compounds in pharmaceutical
analysis. The method is based on the increment in
solubility of nifedipine in subcritical water.
Extraction temperature and static and dynamic extraction
time were optimized in order to reach quantitative
extraction of the drug from the tablets. After
extraction, the drug was determined by spectrophotometry
by measuring absorbance at 338 nm. Accuracy and
precision of the method were determined by analysis of
10 synthetic samples of pharmaceutical formulations
prepared with common tablet excipients. Recovery was
found to be 99.2% with a relative standard deviation of
1.9%, which indicates that the excipients of the
formulation do not interfere in the determination. The
method was applied to the determination of the drug
content uniformity in tablets.
Subcritical water extraction of essential oils from
coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum L.)
Subcritical water extraction (SCWE),
hydrodistillation and Soxhlet extraction were compared
for the extraction of essential oil from coriander seeds
(Coriandrum sativum L.). The extraction
efficiencies of different temperatures (100, 125, 150
and 175 °C), mean particle sizes (0.25, 0.50 and 1 mm),
and water flow rates (1, 2 and 4 ml/min) were
investigated. Separation and identification of the
components were carried out by GC–FID and GC–MS. The
results showed that the optimum temperature, mean
particle size, and flow rate were 125 °C, 0.5 mm, and
2 ml/min. The SCWE was compared with both conventional
methods in terms of the efficiency and the essential oil
composition. Hydrodistillation and Soxhlet extraction
showed higher extraction efficiencies, but the SCWE
resulted to the essential oils more concentrated in
valuable oxygenated components.
Ethanol-modified subcritical water extraction combined
with solid-phase microextraction for determining
atrazine in beef kidney.
determination of the levels of pesticides in food
products has prompted the development of sensitive and
rapid methods of analysis that are solvent-free or
utilize solvents that are benign to the environment and
laboratory worker. In this study we have developed a
novel extraction method that utilizes ethanol-modified
subcritical water in combination with solid-phase
microextraction (SPME) for the removal of atrazine from
beef kidney. In situ sample cleanup was achieved using
the technique of matrix solid-phase dispersion. A
cross-linked polymer, XAD-7 HP, was utilized as a
dispersing material for kidney samples. Subcritical
water extractions were performed with a pressurized
solvent extraction unit at 100 degrees C and 50 atm.
Experimental parameters investigated were the volume of
solvent and amount of modifier required for the complete
extraction of atrazine and optimization of the
extraction time. It was determined that 30% ethanol in
water (v/v) is adequate for the complete extraction of
atrazine. A Carbowax-divinylbenzene SPME fiber was used
to sample the aqueous extracts. Analysis of the fiber
contents was by ion-trap GC/MS utilizing the single ion
mode. The total time of analysis for a single kidney
sample is 90 min. The average percent recoveries from
samples spiked to the concentrations of 2 and 0.2 microg/g
were 104 and 111, respectively. The average relative
standard deviations were 10 and 9, respectively. The
method limit of detection for beef kidney spiked with
atrazine was found to be 20 ng/g of sample.
Extraction of tricyclazole from soil and sediment with
subcritical water.
The use of
subcritical water to extract tricyclazole from soils and
sediments was examined. Extraction efficiency and
kinetics were determined as a function of temperature,
sample age, sample matrix, sample size, and flow rate.
Extraction temperature was the most influential
experimental factor affecting extraction efficiency and
kinetics, with increasing temperature (up to 150 degrees
C) yielding faster and higher efficiency extractions.
Higher extraction temperatures were also important for
quantitative recovery of tricyclazole from aged samples.
Extraction at 50 degrees C yielded 97% recoveries from
samples aged 1 day but only 30% recoveries for samples
aged 202 days, whereas extraction at 150 degrees C
yielded recoveries of 85-100% that were independent of
incubation time and sample matrix, with the exception of
one sediment that contained a large amount of organic
matter. Sample extracts from subcritical water
extraction were generally a pale yellow color,
contrasted with a dark brown color from organic solvent
extractions of the same matrixes. Less sample cleanup
was therefore required prior to analysis, with the total
time for the extraction and analysis of a single sample
being approximately 2 h. Subcritical water extraction is
an effective technique for the rapid and quantitative
extraction of tricyclazole from soils and sediments.
Continuous subcritical water extraction of medicinal
plant essential oil: comparison with conventional
subcritical extractor equipped with a three-way inlet
valve and an on/off outlet valve has been used for
performing subcritical water extractions (SWE) in a
continuous manner for the isolation of the essential oil
of fennel, a medicinal plant. The target compounds were
removed from the aqueous extract by a single extraction
with 5 ml hexane, determined by gas-chromatography-flame
ionization (GC-FID) and identified by mass spectrometry
(MS). The proposed extraction method has been compared
with both hydrodistillation and dichloromethane manual
extraction. Better results have been obtained with the
proposed method in terms of rapidity, efficiency,
cleanliness and possibility of manipulating the
composition of the extract.
Characteristics of lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4)
particles synthesized in subcritical and supercritical
The effect
of temperature, pH, time, and reactant concentrations on
the size and morphology of lithium iron phosphate
(LiFePO4) particles synthesized in a batch
hydrothermal reactor was investigated in this work. It
was found that LiFePO4 could only be
synthesized at neutral or slightly basic pH in both
subcritical and supercritical water. Synthesis in
subcritical water resulted in micron-sized particles of
high crystallinity, whereas synthesis in supercritical
water produced submicron particles. A more uniform
particle size distribution was obtained at low reactant
concentrations, irrespective of the synthesis
temperature. Qualitative explanations for these
observations are provided in terms of nucleation,
growth, and agglomeration phenomena at subcritical and
supercritical conditions.
Results of Search in US Patent
Collection db for:
"Subcritical": patents.
PAT. NO. |
Title |
1 |
7,387,761 |
Method for
manufacturing a glass infiltrated metal oxide
2 |
7,386,985 |
Detection of
refrigerant charge adequacy based on multiple
temperature measurements
3 |
7,385,057 |
Method and
device for producing melamine in a single-phase
tubular reactor
4 |
7,384,484 |
processing method, substrate processing
apparatus and substrate processing system
5 |
7,381,439 |
Method and
composition for washing poultry during
6 |
7,381,320 |
Heavy oil
and bitumen upgrading
7 |
7,381,278 |
supercritical fluids to clean lenses and monitor
defects |
8 |
7,374,900 |
substrates for detecting organophosphatase
enzyme activity
9 |
7,365,236 |
of a creosote-like mixture, or recovery of
metals, or both from preserved wood by reaction
in supercritical water
10 |
7,365,234 |
product selectivity in catalytic
hydroformylation reactions with carbon dioxide
expanded liquids
11 |
7,364,839 |
Method for
forming a pattern and substrate-processing
apparatus |
12 |
7,361,231 |
System and
method for mid-pressure dense phase gas and
ultrasonic cleaning
13 |
7,360,420 |
Method and
bearing for balancing rotors without journals
14 |
7,353,113 |
method and computer program product for aquatic
environment assessment
15 |
7,349,517 |
System for
measuring burn-out of fuel elements of a
high-temperature reactor
16 |
7,347,193 |
Method and
device for determining the mass flow rate
passing through the air-bleed valve of an
internal combustion engine tank
17 |
7,344,746 |
Process for
the hydrogenation of hop resin acids
18 |
7,337,742 |
Twin fin
fairing |
19 |
7,337,356 |
and random error detection and recovery within
processing stages of an integrated circuit
20 |
7,335,296 |
System and
device for processing supercritical and
subcritical fluid
21 |
7,335,287 |
electrolyte sensor for monitoring the
concentration of an element in a fluid
particularly molten metal
22 |
7,334,430 |
Refrigerating cycle
23 |
7,331,313 |
steam generator with circulating atmospheric
fluidised-bed combustion
24 |
7,326,756 |
temperature bulk polymerization of branched
crystalline polypropylene
25 |
7,326,337 |
System for
oxidation of organic bodies present in an
aqueous effluent
26 |
7,326,001 |
Wave forming
apparatus and method
27 |
7,323,096 |
Method for
treating the surface of object and apparatus
thereof |
28 |
7,322,101 |
engine disk spacers
29 |
7,320,229 |
refrigeration cycle
30 |
7,320,091 |
recovery within processing stages of an
integrated circuit
31 |
7,319,125 |
Supercritical polymerization process and
polymers produced therefrom
32 |
7,316,824 |
Method and
composition for washing poultry during
33 |
7,316,769 |
Length-dependent recoil separation of long
molecules |
34 |
7,314,942 |
Methylenelactones syntheses in supercritical
fluids |
35 |
7,311,003 |
Method and
device for balancing journal-less rotors
36 |
7,310,755 |
retention latch provision within integrated
circuits |
37 |
7,304,309 |
detectors |
38 |
7,300,527 |
Method for
activating surface of base material and
apparatus thereof
39 |
7,299,913 |
Drive unit
for a vibrating spiral conveyor
40 |
7,294,353 |
Methods and
compositions comprising ilex
41 |
7,293,403 |
chamber with internal jacket made of a ceramic
composite material and process for manufacture
42 |
7,291,890 |
dielectric and method
43 |
7,291,296 |
Method for
making very fine particles consisting of a
principle inserted in a host molecule
44 |
7,288,237 |
catalyst |
45 |
7,287,725 |
control system and method
46 |
7,287,541 |
apparatus and system for controlling fluid flow
47 |
7,287,381 |
recovery and energy conversion systems and
methods of using same
48 |
7,285,312 |
Atomic layer
deposition for turbine components
49 |
7,282,099 |
Dense phase
processing fluids for microelectronic component
50 |
7,281,484 |
transonic hull and hydrofield
51 |
7,279,184 |
Methods and
compositions comprising Ilex
52 |
7,279,127 |
steelmaking plant
53 |
7,278,264 |
Process to
convert low grade heat source into power using
dense fluid expander
54 |
7,276,184 |
assisted nanomaterial generation process
55 |
7,275,400 |
apparatus |
56 |
7,273,826 |
catalyst |
57 |
7,270,795 |
Method for
producing nano-carbon materials
58 |
7,267,727 |
of semiconductor components with dense
processing fluids and ultrasonic energy
59 |
7,264,710 |
Process and
apparatus for treating heavy oil with
supercritical water and power generation system
equipped with heavy oil treating apparatus
60 |
7,263,727 |
high detergency toilet
61 |
7,262,422 |
Use of
supercritical fluid to dry wafer and clean lens
in immersion lithography
62 |
7,261,529 |
for preparing biodegradable microparticle
formulations containing pharmaceutically active
agents |
63 |
7,260,001 |
system having fast and slow data reading
64 |
7,259,231 |
and fractionation of biopolymers and resins from
plant materials
65 |
7,259,136 |
and methods for treating peripheral vascular
disease |
66 |
7,258,791 |
Method of
reducing volume of sludge
67 |
7,252,719 |
pressure processing method
68 |
7,244,461 |
Method of
preparing liquid smoke
69 |
7,243,618 |
generator with hybrid circulation
70 |
7,243,501 |
device for an air-conditioning system
71 |
7,238,833 |
of aromatic carboxylic acids
72 |
7,237,574 |
dispersion multi-phase nozzle and method of
making the same
73 |
7,235,421 |
System and
method for developing production nano-material
74 |
7,235,224 |
Process for
preparing fine metal oxide particles
75 |
7,232,053 |
air hardenable steel constructions
76 |
7,229,979 |
Hypoestoxides, derivatives and agonists thereof
for use as stent-coating agents
77 |
7,226,771 |
Phospholipases, nucleic acids encoding them and
methods for making and using them
78 |
7,217,750 |
Process for
incorporating one or more materials into a
polymer composition and products produced
thereby |
79 |
7,216,830 |
Wing gull
integration nacelle clearance, compact landing
gear stowage, and sonic boom reduction
80 |
7,216,498 |
Method and
apparatus for determining supercritical pressure
in a heat exchanger
81 |
7,216,427 |
treatment of prefinished valve seat inserts
82 |
7,214,394 |
compositions, extraction from novel sources, and
uses thereof
83 |
7,211,553 |
of substrates with dense fluids comprising
acetylenic diols and/or alcohols
84 |
7,211,145 |
processing apparatus and substrate processing
method |
85 |
7,208,181 |
Isolation of
polyphenolic compounds from fruits or vegetables
utilizing sub-critical water extraction
86 |
7,201,804 |
Cleaning of
hydrocarbon-containing materials with critical
and supercritical solents
87 |
7,201,019 |
Light gas
component separation from a carbon dioxide
mixture |
88 |
7,197,876 |
System and
apparatus for power system utilizing wide
temperature range heat sources
89 |
7,197,404 |
of radiating particle and wave distributions
using a generalized discrete field constructed
from representative ray sets
90 |
7,195,676 |
Method for
removal of flux and other residue in dense fluid
systems |
91 |
7,193,120 |
Colloid-catalyzed gas transfer in supercritical
phases |
92 |
7,193,097 |
Method of
producing a fatty acid ester
93 |
7,192,995 |
compositions of polymers and crystalline solids
or cross-linking agents and methods of making
the same |
94 |
7,192,217 |
apparatus |
95 |
7,189,350 |
Method of
sterilizing medical instruments
96 |
7,189,196 |
Method of
separating materials with a concentric tubular
97 |
7,183,229 |
Semiconductor thin film forming method,
production methods for semiconductor device and
electrooptical device, devices used for these
methods, and semiconductor device and
electrooptical device
98 |
7,182,861 |
System for
separating electrophotographic carrier
compositions and recycling the compositions
99 |
7,181,862 |
process for the production of glassy articles
100 |
7,178,362 |
device arrangement for vapor compression system
101 |
7,175,886 |
Apparatus and method
for micron and submicron particle formation
102 |
7,174,713 |
Method for
determination of composition of the gas mixture in a combustion chamber
of an internal combustion engine with exhaust gas recirculation and
correspondingly configured control system for an internal combustion
engine |
103 |
7,169,857 |
compositions of fluoropolymers and crystalline solids or cross-linking
agents and methods of making the same
104 |
7,169,179 |
Drug delivery device
and method for bi-directional drug delivery
105 |
7,166,753 |
Process for
production of hydrogen and carbonyl compounds by reacting sub- or
super-critical water with alcohols
106 |
7,166,658 |
Rubber reduction
107 |
7,164,197 |
Dielectric composite
material |
108 |
7,163,989 |
Processes and
apparatus for continuous solution polymerization
109 |
7,162,661 |
Systematic and random
error detection and recovery within processing stages of an integrated
circuit |
110 |
7,160,492 |
Orthopaedic device
for implantation in the body of an animal and method for making the same
111 |
7,160,380 |
Organic pigment
fine-particle, and method of producing the same
112 |
7,159,409 |
Method and apparatus
for controlling the load placed on a compressor
113 |
7,157,886 |
Power converter
method and apparatus having high input power factor and low harmonic
distortion |
114 |
7,157,534 |
process for producing copolymers |
115 |
7,157,002 |
Process for the
recovery of surfactants |
116 |
7,156,925 |
Using supercritical
fluids to clean lenses and monitor defects
117 |
7,148,387 |
Process for producing
hydroxyl group-containing compound
118 |
7,147,670 |
Cleaning system
utilizing an organic cleaning solvent and a pressurized fluid solvent
119 |
7,147,436 |
Turbine engine rotor
retainer |
120 |
7,144,498 |
hydrocarbon conversion process |
121 |
7,144,461 |
Method of removing
acid component in deteriorated acetate film
122 |
7,140,197 |
Means and apparatus
for microrefrigeration |
123 |
7,131,294 |
Method and apparatus
for control of carbon dioxide gas cooler pressure by use of a capillary
tube |
124 |
7,131,291 |
Compression system
for cooling and heating purposes |
125 |
7,131,259 |
High density combined
cycle power plant process |
126 |
7,129,200 |
Domestic fabric
article refreshment in integrated cleaning and treatment processes
127 |
7,127,905 |
Vapor compression
system startup method |
128 |
7,118,696 |
Method of forming
light dispersing fiber and fiber formed thereby
129 |
7,114,508 |
Cleaning apparatus
having multiple wash tanks for carbon dioxide dry cleaning and methods
of using same |
130 |
7,111,630 |
High pressure
processing apparatus and method |
131 |
7,108,867 |
Process for preparing
particles |
132 |
7,108,223 |
Missile control
system and method |
133 |
7,105,185 |
Kavalactone profile
134 |
7,101,499 |
Method of and
apparatus for producing pellets from heavy hydrocarbon liquid
135 |
7,097,715 |
Cleaning system
utilizing an organic cleaning solvent and a pressurized fluid solvent
136 |
7,096,679 |
Transcritical vapor
compression system and method of operating including refrigerant storage
tank and non-variable expansion device
137 |
7,091,366 |
Recovery of residual
specialty oil |
138 |
7,091,288 |
Polymerization of
vinylidene fluoride (VF.sub.2) in a supercritical fluid medium
139 |
7,090,871 |
containing pyrrolizidine-alkaloid-free petasites
140 |
7,084,269 |
Process for producing
lactam |
141 |
7,084,181 |
Method for
decomposing nonmetallic honeycomb panel, and method for recycling the
same |
142 |
7,082,355 |
Wake wash severity
monitor for high speed vessels |
143 |
7,081,486 |
Method of producing
polymer |
144 |
7,081,133 |
Antibiotic treated
implantable medical devices |
145 |
7,080,651 |
High pressure
processing apparatus and method |
146 |
7,078,731 |
Gallium nitride
crystals and wafers and method of making
147 |
7,078,359 |
Aerogel composite
with fibrous batting |
148 |
RE39,171 |
Simulated wave water
sculpture |
149 |
7,074,881 |
Methods of synthesis
of polysuccinimide, copolymers of polysuccinimide and derivatives
thereof |
150 |
7,074,369 |
Method and apparatus
for decoupled thermo-catalytic pollution control |
151 |
7,072,229 |
Memory system having
fast and slow data reading mechanisms
152 |
7,070,146 |
thickness/camber control device for low sonic boom
153 |
7,067,640 |
Cross-linked chiral
compounds and methods of making thereof
154 |
7,064,834 |
Method for analyzing
impurities in carbon dioxide |
155 |
7,063,795 |
Method for starting
up a system for treating waste by hydrothermal oxidation
156 |
7,063,750 |
Domestic fabric
article refreshment in integrated cleaning and treatment processes
157 |
7,059,831 |
Turbine engine disk
spacers |
158 |
7,059,512 |
Solder alloy material
layer composition, electroconductive and adhesive composition, flux
material layer composition, solder ball transferring sheet, bump and
bump forming process, and semiconductor device
159 |
7,058,100 |
Systems and methods
for thermal management of diode-pumped solid-state lasers
160 |
7,057,055 |
Process for preparing
a deuterated or tritiated compound
161 |
7,056,887 |
Treatment of acute
coronary syndrome with GLP-1 |
162 |
7,049,475 |
Organic compound
decomposing method |
163 |
7,049,030 |
164 |
7,045,642 |
Process for preparing
a deuterated or tritiated compound
165 |
7,045,622 |
Process for producing
lactam |
166 |
7,039,565 |
Method and system for
developing a numerical dynamic sanitary sewer and storm water drainage
simulation model |
167 |
7,039,528 |
Method for detecting
leak before rupture in a pipeline |
168 |
7,038,000 |
Process for preparing
propylene copolymers |
169 |
7,037,524 |
Oral delivery of a
botanical |
170 |
7,037,420 |
Anodic oxidation
method and treatment apparatus thereof
171 |
7,034,092 |
Process for producing
bimodal polyethylene resins |
172 |
7,034,084 |
Process and apparatus
for the hydrogenation of polymers under supercritical conditions
173 |
7,033,985 |
Domestic fabric
article refreshment in integrated cleaning and treatment processes
174 |
7,033,068 |
Substrate processing
apparatus for processing substrates using dense phase gas and sonic
waves |
175 |
7,032,373 |
Device for cooling
coolant in a gas turbine and gas and steam turbine with said device
176 |
7,029,707 |
Method of producing a
processed kava product having an altered kavalactone distribution and
processed kava products produced using the same
177 |
7,028,494 |
methodology for heat pump water heating system
178 |
7,025,992 |
formulations |
179 |
7,022,863 |
Production method of
pyrrolidone carboxylic acid and salt thereof
180 |
7,021,106 |
Apparatus and method
for forming internally ribbed or rifled tubes
181 |
7,018,902 |
Gate dielectric and
method |
182 |
7,009,215 |
Group III-nitride
based resonant cavity light emitting devices fabricated on single
crystal gallium nitride substrates
183 |
7,008,528 |
Process and system
for continuously extracting oil from solid or liquid oil bearing
material |
184 |
7,005,301 |
Piecewise uniform
conduction-like flow channels and method therefor
185 |
7,003,968 |
Motor vehicle
air-conditioning installation equipped with an electronic control device
186 |
7,001,620 |
Kavalactone product
187 |
7,001,581 |
Method for producing
nanocarbon materials |
188 |
7,000,870 |
Laminar flow wing for
transonic cruise |
189 |
7,000,653 |
High pressure
processing apparatus and high pressure processing method
190 |
7,000,413 |
Control of
refrigeration system to optimize coefficient of performance
191 |
6,989,123 |
Methods to produce
gel sheets |
192 |
6,978,638 |
Nitrogen rejection
from condensed natural gas |
193 |
6,977,767 |
nanophotonics methods, materials, and apparatuses
194 |
6,977,520 |
routing in a programmable logic device architecture
195 |
6,972,271 |
Supported catalyst
systems |
196 |
6,968,708 |
Refrigeration system
having variable speed fan |
197 |
6,966,874 |
Concentric tubular
centrifuge |
198 |
6,964,787 |
Method and system for
reducing microbial burden on a food product
199 |
6,964,168 |
Advanced heat
recovery and energy conversion systems for power generation and
pollution emissions reduction, and methods of using same
200 |
6,962,714 |
Critical fluid
antimicrobial compositions and their use and generation
201 |
6,962,629 |
Method for moving
contaminants from gases |
202 |
6,960,672 |
Processes for
producing alkyl ester of fatty acid
203 |
6,960,618 |
Preparation method
for rigid polyurethane foam |
204 |
6,958,123 |
Method for removing a
sacrificial material with a compressed fluid
205 |
6,958,122 |
High pressure and
high temperature reaction system |
206 |
6,956,140 |
hydrolysis of halogenated compounds
207 |
6,955,051 |
Steam generation
apparatus and methods |
208 |
6,953,564 |
Method for producing
fullerenes |
209 |
6,952,346 |
Etched open
microchannel spray cooling |
210 |
6,948,238 |
Method for
dissociating metals from metal compounds
211 |
6,946,150 |
formulation |
212 |
6,944,067 |
Memory system having
fast and slow data reading mechanisms
213 |
6,943,461 |
All-weather energy
and water production via steam-enhanced vortex tower
214 |
6,941,854 |
Sliding pairing for
machine parts that are subjected to the action of highly pressurized and
high-temperature steam, preferably for piston-cylinder assemblies of
steam engines |
215 |
6,939,837 |
Non-immersive method
for treating or cleaning fabrics using a siloxane lipophilic fluid
216 |
6,939,651 |
photoconductor, and process cartridge and electrophotographic apparatus
using the same |
217 |
6,936,843 |
Fixture used to
prepare semiconductor specimens for film adhesion testing
218 |
6,936,292 |
Deodorized yellow
colorant of safflower |
219 |
6,935,592 |
Aircraft lift device
for low sonic boom |
220 |
6,932,541 |
Wave forming
apparatus and method |
221 |
6,931,372 |
Joint multiple
program coding for digital audio broadcasting and other applications
222 |
6,929,752 |
Method for treating
waste by hydrothermal oxidation |
223 |
6,924,407 |
Pressure-tuned solid
catalyzed heterogeneous chemical reactions
224 |
6,924,004 |
Apparatus and method
for synthesizing films and coatings by focused particle beam deposition
225 |
6,923,011 |
Multi-stage vapor
compression system with intermediate pressure vessel
226 |
6,921,820 |
Method for forming
cellulose |
227 |
6,921,420 |
Apparatus and methods
for conserving vapor in a carbon dioxide dry cleaning system
228 |
6,919,421 |
Methods of synthesis
of polysuccinimide, copolymers of polysuccinimide and derivatives
thereof |
229 |
6,913,779 |
Process for the
preparation of accelerated release formulations using compressed fluids
230 |
6,908,660 |
Shaped body made of
fiber-reinforced composites having a segmented covering layer, its
production and its use |
231 |
6,906,423 |
Mask used for
exposing a porous substrate |
232 |
6,905,556 |
Method and apparatus
for using surfactants in supercritical fluid processing of wafers
233 |
6,905,555 |
Methods for
transferring supercritical fluids in microelectronic and other
industrial processes |
234 |
6,903,181 |
Methods of synthesis
of polysuccinimide, copolymers of polysuccinimide and derivatives
thereof |
235 |
6,902,999 |
Pattern formation
method |
236 |
6,901,814 |
Fuselage pitot-static
tube |
237 |
6,898,951 |
Washing apparatus
238 |
6,898,941 |
pressure regulation of vapor compression system by regulation of
expansion machine flowrate |
239 |
6,898,936 |
Compression stripping
of flue gas with energy recovery |
240 |
6,893,995 |
Supported catalyst
systems |
241 |
6,890,660 |
Combustion chamber
with internal jacket made of a ceramic composite material and process
for manufacture |
242 |
6,887,992 |
3-cephem derivative
crystal |
243 |
6,887,971 |
Synthesis of
polysuccinimide and copoly(succinimide-aspartate) in a supercritical
fluid |
244 |
6,887,516 |
Method and apparatus
for applying a powder coating |
245 |
6,886,487 |
Thruster apparatus
and method for reducing fluid-induced motions of and stresses within an
offshore platform |
246 |
6,884,911 |
Material processing
by repeated solvent expansion-contraction
247 |
6,884,900 |
Method for producing
fatty acid alcohol ester |
248 |
6,884,737 |
Method and apparatus
for precursor delivery utilizing the melting point depression of solid
deposition precursors in the presence of supercritical fluids
249 |
6,881,800 |
Processes and
apparatus for continuous solution polymerization
250 |
6,881,700 |
Dealuminized catalyst
carrier, method of production, and method for hydrating C2 or C3 olefins
with water |
251 |
6,881,699 |
Method for producing
a dealuminized catalyst support |
252 |
6,880,560 |
Substrate processing
apparatus for processing substrates using dense phase gas and sonic
waves |
253 |
6,880,326 |
High regression rate
hybrid rocket propellants and method of selecting
254 |
6,878,466 |
Method for improving
the reliability of brittle materials through the creation of a threshold
strength |
255 |
6,874,513 |
High pressure
processing apparatus |
256 |
6,858,179 |
Process for producing
sterile water for injection from potable water
257 |
6,857,437 |
Automated dense phase
fluid cleaning system |
258 |
6,849,678 |
compatibilized blending, and particle size control of powder coatings in
a supercritical fluid |
259 |
6,848,269 |
Process and apparatus
for the recovery of krypton and/or xenon
260 |
6,846,562 |
Method of forming
light dispersing fiber and fiber formed thereby
261 |
6,845,900 |
Methods for producing
weld joints having thermally enhanced heat-affected-zones with excellent
fracture toughness |
262 |
6,844,561 |
Rotating aperture
system |
263 |
6,843,193 |
Transonic hull and
hydrofield (part III) |
264 |
6,841,031 |
Substrate processing
apparatus equipping with high-pressure processing unit
265 |
6,828,292 |
Domestic fabric
article refreshment in integrated cleaning and treatment processes
266 |
6,825,588 |
Uninterruptible power
supply using a high speed cylinder flywheel
267 |
6,825,260 |
interpenetrating organic-inorganic networks
268 |
6,823,880 |
High pressure
processing apparatus and high pressure processing method
269 |
6,821,554 |
Polyol-based method
for forming thin film aerogels on semiconductor substrates
270 |
6,821,485 |
Method and structure
for microfluidic flow guiding |
271 |
6,821,481 |
Continuous processing
method and continuous processing apparatus for liquid-form substance,
and liquid-form substance processed thereby
272 |
6,821,429 |
Method and device for
capturing fine particles by trapping in a solid mixture of carbon
dioxide snow type |
273 |
6,821,413 |
Method and apparatus
for continuous separation and reaction using supercritical fluid
274 |
6,818,072 |
heat-resistant steel, process for producing the same, and process for
producing high-strength heat-resistant pipe
275 |
6,818,021 |
Domestic fabric
article refreshment in integrated cleaning and treatment processes
276 |
6,817,193 |
Method for operating
a refrigerant circuit, method for operating a motor vehicle driving
engine, and refrigerant circuit |
277 |
6,813,895 |
pressure regulation of vapor compression system by regulation of
adaptive control |
278 |
6,805,801 |
Method and apparatus
to remove additives and contaminants from a supercritical processing
solution |
279 |
6,801,593 |
reactivity measurement method |
280 |
6,800,773 |
Chemical process
281 |
6,800,316 |
Method for
fractionating cooking oil |
282 |
6,800,272 |
Process for the
preparation of ZSM-5 catalyst |
283 |
6,799,587 |
Apparatus for
contaminant removal using natural convection flow and changes in
solubility concentrations by temperature
284 |
6,797,738 |
Open pore
biodegradable matrices |
285 |
6,796,275 |
Method and apparatus
for calculating minimum valve lift for internal combustion engines
286 |
6,796,137 |
Air conditioning
system comprising an electronic control device
287 |
6,795,991 |
Apparatus for
conserving vapor in a carbon dioxide dry cleaning system
288 |
6,795,780 |
Fluid energy pulse
test system--transient, ramp, steady state tests
289 |
6,794,544 |
Method for the
preparation of tetrahydrobenzothiepines
290 |
6,794,522 |
Process for preparing
a deuterated or tritiated compound
291 |
6,793,975 |
Methods of chemical
vapor deposition and powder formation
292 |
6,793,793 |
treating method such as electroplating and electrochemical reaction
device therefor |
293 |
6,792,759 |
High density combined
cycle power plant process |
294 |
6,790,790 |
High modulus filler
for low k materials |
295 |
6,790,707 |
Method of preparing a
sample of a semiconductor structure for adhesion testing
296 |
6,774,421 |
capacitor |
297 |
6,774,262 |
Method of novel
noncatalytic organic synthesis |
298 |
6,773,581 |
System and method for
solids transport in hydrothermal processes
299 |
6,766,810 |
Methods and apparatus
to control pressure in a supercritical fluid reactor
300 |
6,765,113 |
Production of
aromatic carboxylic acids |
301 |
6,764,552 |
solutions for cleaning photoresist and post-etch residue from low-k
materials |
302 |
6,763,271 |
Tracking sustained
chaos |
303 |
6,755,871 |
Cleaning system
utilizing an organic cleaning solvent and a pressurized fluid solvent
304 |
6,751,959 |
Simple and compact
low-temperature power cycle |
305 |
6,750,336 |
Method of production
of lactam |
306 |
6,750,062 |
Method and device for
studying the effect of a supercritical fluid on the transition of a
material from one condensed phase to the other and their application in
the case of a polymer material |
307 |
6,749,816 |
treatment apparatus, feeding method thereto and protection method
thereof |
308 |
6,746,788 |
Concentration cells
utilizing external fields |
309 |
6,746,695 |
preparations of bioactive substances extracted from natural sources
310 |
6,741,669 |
Neutron absorber
systems and method for absorbing neutrons
311 |
6,740,785 |
Catalytic oxidation
of organic substrates by transition metal complexes in organic solvent
media expanded by supercritical or subcritical carbon dioxide
312 |
6,740,416 |
Aerogel substrate and
method for preparing the same |
313 |
6,740,414 |
Magnetic recording
media and magnetic recording apparatus used thereof
314 |
6,740,216 |
Potentiometric sensor
for wellbore applications |
315 |
6,739,141 |
pressure regulation of vapor compression system by use of gas cooler
fluid pumping device |
316 |
6,738,446 |
System and method for
radioactive waste destruction |
317 |
6,737,254 |
extraction of taxanes |
318 |
6,736,859 |
Cleaning system
utilizing an organic cleaning solvent and a pressurized fluid solvent
319 |
6,733,586 |
High throughput
non-photochemical laser induced nucleation
320 |
6,730,370 |
Method and apparatus
for processing materials by applying a controlled succession of thermal
spikes or shockwaves through a growth medium
321 |
6,728,092 |
Formation of thin
film capacitors |
322 |
6,723,363 |
Coating foods and
pharmaceuticals with an edible polymer using carbon dioxide
323 |
6,718,915 |
Horizontal spiral
tube boiler convection pass enclosure design
324 |
6,717,009 |
Method for making
high-purity naphthalenedicarboxylic acid
325 |
6,716,663 |
Method for removing
foreign matter, method for forming film, semiconductor device and film
forming apparatus |
326 |
6,716,107 |
Containerless sheet
flow water ride |
327 |
6,715,450 |
Fossil-fuel fired
continuous-flow steam generator |
328 |
6,713,316 |
Method for removing
foreign matter, method for forming film, semiconductor device and film
forming apparatus |
329 |
6,712,973 |
Process and device
for separation with variable-length chromatographic zones
330 |
6,712,081 |
Pressure processing
device |
331 |
6,709,602 |
Process for
hydrothermal treatment of materials
332 |
6,709,595 |
Method and
installation for setting in adsorbed state on a porous support active
compounds contained in a product |
333 |
6,708,513 |
CO2-module for
cooling and heating |
334 |
6,707,205 |
high-power rotary electrodynamic machine with dual rotors
335 |
6,706,689 |
Treatment of acute
coronary syndrome with GLP-1 |
336 |
6,705,103 |
Device and method for
cooling |
337 |
6,701,721 |
Stirling engine
driven heat pump with fluid interconnection
338 |
6,699,808 |
High-solids SiO2
dispersions, process for producing them, and their use
339 |
6,698,234 |
Method for increasing
efficiency of a vapor compression system by evaporator heating
340 |
6,698,214 |
Method of
refrigeration with enhanced cooling capacity and efficiency
341 |
6,694,763 |
Method for operating
a transcritical refrigeration system
342 |
6,693,222 |
Process for splitting
water-soluble ethers |
343 |
6,691,536 |
Washing apparatus
344 |
6,691,430 |
High-pressure drying
apparatus, high-pressure drying method and substrate processing
apparatus |
345 |
6,689,311 |
Method and apparatus
for manufacturing sinter, method for measuring concentration of
plasticizer, evaluation method, and evaluation apparatus
346 |
6,685,394 |
Partial shroud with
perforating for VIV suppression, and method of using
347 |
6,684,643 |
Process for the
operation of a gas turbine plant |
348 |
6,684,624 |
High regression rate
hybrid rocket propellants |
349 |
6,680,554 |
particularly a helicopter, transmission system
350 |
6,673,234 |
Combined process of
low degree solvent deasphalting and delayed coking
351 |
6,673,171 |
Medium carbon steel
sheet and strip having enhanced uniform elongation and method for
production thereof |
352 |
6,672,732 |
oscillating device |
353 |
6,670,407 |
polymers prepared in supercritical fluid
354 |
6,667,019 |
Rare earth oxide
fluoride nanoparticles and hydrothermal method for forming nanoparticles
355 |
6,666,074 |
Apparatus for
conducting high-temperature liquid chromatography analysis
356 |
6,666,050 |
Apparatus for
conserving vapor in a carbon dioxide dry cleaning system
357 |
6,660,176 |
Molecular imprinting
of small particles, and production of small particles from solid state
reactants |
358 |
6,658,888 |
Method for increasing
efficiency of a vapor compression system by compressor cooling
359 |
6,656,436 |
Device for
transforming chemical structures in a fluid comprising a solvent and
salts by ultrasonic action |
360 |
6,649,776 |
synthesis in supercritical fluids |
361 |
6,649,516 |
Method for
manufacturing a composite member from a porous substrate by selectively
infiltrating conductive material into the substrate to form via and
wiring regions |
362 |
6,649,091 |
conducting ruthenium dioxide aerogel composite
363 |
6,649,062 |
separation |
364 |
6,647,742 |
Expander driven motor
for auxiliary machinery |
365 |
6,642,407 |
purification and polymerization of aromatic dicarboxylic acids
366 |
6,642,330 |
Supercritical fluid
pressure sensitive adhesive polymers and their preparation
367 |
6,641,678 |
Methods for cleaning
microelectronic structures with aqueous carbon dioxide systems
368 |
6,638,749 |
Carbon dioxide
soluble surfactant having two fluoroether CO2-philic tail groups and a
head group |
369 |
6,634,576 |
Milled particles
370 |
6,632,878 |
Production process
for polymers with hydroxyl groups and polymers obtained by the process
371 |
6,630,761 |
mechanical and magnetic support for a flywheel power supply
372 |
6,628,002 |
Heat transfer system
with supracritical fluid |
373 |
6,627,246 |
Process for coating
stents and other medical devices using super-critical carbon dioxide
374 |
6,624,299 |
Process for producing
cellulose acetate |
375 |
6,624,092 |
Method for forming
low dielectric constant insulating layer with foamed structure
376 |
6,620,559 |
Photomask, method of
lithographically structuring a photoresist layer with the photomask, and
method of producing magnetic memory elements
377 |
6,619,368 |
Method for imaging
inclusions in investment castings |
378 |
6,619,041 |
Steam generation
apparatus and methods |
379 |
6,616,849 |
Method of and system
for continuously processing liquid materials, and the product processed
thereby |
380 |
6,615,587 |
Combustion device and
method for burning a fuel |
381 |
6,613,945 |
Resolution method for
a racemic mixture of aldehydes |
382 |
6,613,358 |
composition including amorphous polymer
383 |
6,613,157 |
Methods for removing
particles from microelectronic structures
384 |
6,610,251 |
Method of sterilizing
medical instruments |
385 |
6,608,878 |
Method and device for
monitoring the power rise during startup of a nuclear reactor (diversitary
excursion monitoring) |
386 |
6,606,848 |
High power density
combined cycle power plant system |
387 |
6,602,545 |
Method of directly
making rapid prototype tooling having free-form shape
388 |
6,602,351 |
Methods for the
control of contaminants following carbon dioxide cleaning of
microelectronic structures |
389 |
6,601,438 |
Apparatus for
conducting high-temperature liquid chromotography analysis
390 |
6,598,358 |
Use of aerogels for
deadening structure-borne and/or impact sounds
391 |
6,596,093 |
Methods for cleaning
microelectronic structures with cyclical phase modulation
392 |
6,596,077 |
Controlled nucleation
of protein crystals |
393 |
6,592,938 |
Method for coating
particles |
394 |
6,590,053 |
Supercritical fluid
pressure sensitive adhesive polymers and their preparation
395 |
6,589,592 |
Methods of coating
articles using a densified coating system
396 |
6,589,355 |
Cleaning processes
using hydrofluorocarbon and/or hydrochlorofluorocarbon compounds
397 |
6,588,285 |
Fuselage pitot-static
tube and the aerodynamic profile of its strut
398 |
6,586,434 |
Method for the
preparation of tetrahydrobenzothiepines
399 |
6,585,958 |
Medicinal aerosol
formulations |
400 |
6,585,890 |
Process for producing
sterile water for injection from potable water |
401 |
6,582,666 |
Apparatus for high
flux photocatalytic pollution control using a rotating fluidized bed
reactor |
402 |
6,582,508 |
Process for fine
division of organic pigments |
403 |
6,577,697 |
Field analysis of
geological samples using delayed neutron activation analysis
404 |
6,576,185 |
System and method for
hydrothermal reactions-three layer liner
405 |
6,576,066 |
Supercritical drying
method and supercritical drying apparatus
406 |
6,574,138 |
Memory cell
configuration and method for operating the configuration
407 |
6,572,759 |
Method and apparatus
for treating aqueous medium |
408 |
6,569,480 |
Liquefied gas
extraction process |
409 |
6,569,245 |
Method and apparatus
for applying a powder coating |
410 |
6,568,199 |
Method for optimizing
coefficient of performance in a transcritical vapor compression system
411 |
6,565,682 |
Process for producing
high-strength heat-resistant pipe |
412 |
6,564,567 |
Method and device for
heating and cooling a compartment of a motor vehicle
413 |
6,562,914 |
Process for making
propylene homo or copolymers |
414 |
6,562,898 |
Resin composition and
manufacturing method therefor |
415 |
6,562,605 |
Extraction of water
soluble biomaterials from fluids using a carbon dioxide/surfactant
mixture |
416 |
6,562,146 |
Processes for
cleaning and drying microelectronic structures using liquid or
supercritical carbon dioxide |
417 |
6,558,622 |
Sub-critical fluid
cleaning and antimicrobial decontamination system and process
418 |
6,558,432 |
Cleaning system
utilizing an organic cleaning solvent and a pressurized fluid solvent
419 |
6,554,774 |
Method and apparatus
for assessing hemodynamic properties within the circulatory system of a
living subject |
420 |
6,551,626 |
containing pyrrolizidine-alkaloid-free petasites
421 |
6,551,561 |
Apparatus for
decoupled thermo-photocatalytic pollution control
422 |
6,551,517 |
Method for
transforming chemical structures in a fluid under pressure and in high
temperature |
423 |
6,550,974 |
Bearing assembly for
a helicopter rear transmission shaft
424 |
6,548,647 |
Process for preparing
azo colorants |
425 |
6,541,278 |
Method of forming
film for semiconductor device with supercritical fluid
426 |
6,539,536 |
Electronic design
automation system and methods utilizing groups of multiple cells having
loop-back connections for modeling port electrical characteristics
427 |
6,537,395 |
Process for producing
gray cast iron for use in high speed machining with cubic boron nitride
and silicon nitride tools |
428 |
6,537,364 |
Process for fine
division of organic pigments by precipitation
429 |
6,536,380 |
Fossil-fuel heated
steam generator, comprising dentrification device for heating gas
430 |
6,532,550 |
Process protection
system |
431 |
6,531,035 |
Apparatus and method
for low flux photocatalytic pollution control
432 |
6,528,669 |
Recovery of
polyunsaturated fatty acids from urea adducts
433 |
RE38,001 |
Cleaning with liquid
gases |
434 |
6,526,115 |
Supercritical-pressure water cooled reactor and power generation plant
435 |
6,520,767 |
Fuel delivery system
for combusting fuel mixtures |
436 |
6,519,926 |
conversion and separation |
437 |
6,519,847 |
Surface treatment of
prefinished valve seat inserts |
438 |
6,517,840 |
Production of a
product enriched in isoflavone values from natural sources
439 |
6,517,752 |
Surface reforming
method for plastic molded product |
440 |
6,517,694 |
zirconia membrane electrode |
441 |
6,514,556 |
Method and
composition for washing poultry during processing
442 |
6,514,454 |
Sol-gel process using
porous mold |
443 |
6,510,739 |
Apparatus for
continuously monitoring liquid level conditions in a liquid-vapor
separating device |
444 |
6,507,191 |
NMR cell system for
supercritical fluid measurements and high-pressure cell for NMR
445 |
6,505,807 |
Blower motor with
annular damping element |
446 |
6,503,360 |
Etching method and
apparatus |
447 |
6,500,350 |
Formation of thin
film resistors |
448 |
6,499,463 |
Dual fuel source
diesel engine |
449 |
6,499,440 |
Fossil-fired steam
generator |
450 |
6,499,313 |
Process and apparatus
for generating high-purity nitrogen by low-temperature fractionation of
air |
451 |
6,496,757 |
Nonlinear contingency
screening for voltage collapse |
452 |
6,495,190 |
composite |
453 |
6,494,045 |
High density combined
cycle power plant process |
454 |
6,491,589 |
Mobile water ride
having sluice slide-over cover |
455 |
6,488,849 |
Rotating device for
continuously filtering a liquid such as a solution containing a
precipitate |
456 |
6,487,994 |
water-fuel composition and combustion system
457 |
6,486,078 |
Super critical drying
of low k materials |
458 |
6,485,174 |
Attachable heat flux
measuring device |
459 |
6,484,519 |
Motor vehicle
air-conditioning system and a method for operating a motor vehicle air
conditioning system |
460 |
6,482,390 |
Aerosol formulations
and method |
461 |
6,481,386 |
continuous-flow steam generator |
462 |
6,481,247 |
Cleaning method and
apparatus with dense phase fluid |
463 |
6,478,955 |
Membrane magnetic
separating apparatus |
464 |
6,475,561 |
Method of producing
silicon tetrachloride-based and organically modified aerogels
465 |
6,475,524 |
Composition of matter
466 |
6,475,403 |
Etching method and
apparatus |
467 |
6,467,156 |
Method and apparatus
for preparing electrochemical cells
468 |
6,464,861 |
Apparatus for
treating flora and fauna waste with hydrothermal reaction
469 |
6,464,797 |
Method of separating
electrophotographic carrier compositions and recycling the compositions
470 |
6,462,230 |
Method of and
apparatus for decomposing wastes |
471 |
6,461,642 |
Crystallization using
supercritical or subcritical fluids
472 |
6,461,591 |
Medical aerosol
formulations |
473 |
6,460,012 |
Nonlinear structural
crack growth monitoring |
474 |
6,458,407 |
Process for producing
essential oil by subcritical or supercritical water treatment
475 |
6,455,010 |
Apparatus and method
for pressurizing a propylene polymerization reactor
476 |
6,451,375 |
Process for
depositing a film on a nanometer structure
477 |
6,450,780 |
Method for generating
over-pressure gas |
478 |
6,450,680 |
Apparatus for mixing
powder |
479 |
6,448,454 |
Catalytic oxidation
of organic substrates by transition metal complexes in organic solvent
media expanded by supercritical or subcritical carbon dioxide
480 |
6,446,580 |
Fossil fuel-fired
continuous-flow steam generator |
481 |
6,444,772 |
Supercritical fluid
pressure sensitive adhesive polymers and their preparation
482 |
6,442,226 |
transmutation of spent fuel elements
483 |
6,436,991 |
Composition and
method containing products extracted from Commiphora sp. for prevention
and treatment of abnormal cell growth and proliferation in inflammation,
neoplasia and cardiovascular disease
484 |
6,433,993 |
Formation of thin
film capacitors |
485 |
6,430,950 |
Expansion element and
a valve unit usable therefor |
486 |
6,427,544 |
friendly ultra-high sensitivity liquid penetrant inspection process and
system |
487 |
6,427,308 |
Support assembly for
a rotating shaft |
488 |
6,425,568 |
Support assembly for
a rotating shaft |
489 |
6,416,682 |
Method of producing
minerals under near-critical, critical and supercritical conditions
490 |
6,416,624 |
Spray application of
an additive composition to sheet materials
491 |
6,415,998 |
Circuit grinding
apparatus with high pressure roller mill and sifter
492 |
6,414,050 |
polymers prepared in supercritical fluid
493 |
6,413,419 |
Process and device
for separation with variable-length chromatographic
494 |
6,410,808 |
Method for producing
a fluoroalcohol |
495 |
6,407,143 |
Method and solvent
composition for regenerating an ion exchange resin
496 |
RE37,733 |
Method for settling
of suspensions with use of seepage force and vibrations
497 |
6,403,544 |
Composition and
method for removing photoresist materials from electronic components
498 |
6,403,126 |
extraction method |
499 |
6,397,421 |
Methods and apparatus
for conserving vapor and collecting liquid carbon dioxide for carbon
dioxide dry cleaning |
500 |
6,396,387 |
Resistors for
electronic packaging |
501 |
6,395,661 |
Sintered silicon
nitride, components made therewith, specially valves, methods for the
production and use thereof |
502 |
6,395,343 |
Durable thermal
barrier coating |
503 |
6,395,107 |
Cast iron for use in
high speed machining with cubic boron nitride and silicon nitride tools
504 |
6,391,607 |
Human DNase I
hyperactive variants |
505 |
6,381,829 |
Method for making an
improved main shaft for a coal pulverizer by employing a ceramic coating
thereon |
506 |
6,375,839 |
Process and device
for separation with variable-length chromatographic zones
507 |
6,374,618 |
Cryogenic fluid
supply from supercritical storage system
508 |
6,368,074 |
Piston type
compressor |
509 |
6,367,491 |
Apparatus for
contaminant removal using natural convection flow and changes in
solubility concentration by temperature
510 |
6,367,319 |
Method of controlling
an internal combustion engine in dependence on an exhaust gas pressure
511 |
6,366,844 |
Method and device for
limiting transversal acceleration in a motor vehicle
512 |
6,365,638 |
Process for
preparation of hydrophilic or partially hydrophilic inorganic aerogels
513 |
6,362,118 |
Method of making
stabilized negative thermal expansion optical waveguide substrate and a
glass-ceramic substrate |
514 |
6,361,902 |
Method for removing
acidic impurities in a solid electrolyte
515 |
6,357,029 |
Joint multiple
program error concealment for digital audio broadcasting and other
applications |
516 |
6,355,741 |
Process for producing
polyolefins |
517 |
6,355,072 |
Cleaning system
utilizing an organic cleaning solvent and a pressurized fluid solvent
518 |
6,352,644 |
Method of
manipulating the chemical properties of water to improve the
effectiveness of a desired process
519 |
6,352,065 |
Method and device for
determining the gas intake in an internal combustion engine
520 |
6,350,890 |
Method for obtaining
fatty acids from biomass by combined in/situ extraction, reaction and
chromatography using compressed gases
521 |
6,348,343 |
Human DNase I
variants |
522 |
6,347,927 |
compressor with bolted separating wall
523 |
6,347,758 |
Strain relief main
shaft |
524 |
6,342,592 |
Chiral compounds,
their synthesis and use as a support
525 |
6,342,341 |
Fragmentable electron
donor compounds used in conjunction with epitaxially sensitized silver
halide emulsions |
526 |
6,342,128 |
Method and apparatus
for decoupled thermo-photocatalytic pollution control
527 |
6,340,722 |
compatibilized blending, and particle size control of powder coatings in
a supercritical fluid |
528 |
6,336,429 |
Drumless natural
circulation boiler |
529 |
6,334,936 |
Method for decoupled
thermo-catalytic pollution control
530 |
6,332,975 |
Anode grade coke
production |
531 |
6,332,342 |
Methods for carbon
dioxide dry cleaning with integrated distribution
532 |
6,331,320 |
Process for producing
aromatic compounds by supercritical water treatment
533 |
6,329,899 |
Formation of thin
film resistors |
534 |
6,326,504 |
Procedure to extract
natural products |
535 |
6,319,137 |
Containerless sheet
flow water ride |
536 |
6,316,646 |
Process for the
continuous catalytic transformation of organic compounds
537 |
6,316,377 |
Rare earth oxide
fluoride nanoparticles and hydrothermal method for forming nanoparticles
538 |
6,316,326 |
capacitor |
539 |
6,315,942 |
System for delivery
of gas-enriched fluids |
540 |
6,315,870 |
Method for high flux
photocatalytic pollution control |
541 |
6,312,529 |
Steel compositions
and methods of processing for producing cold-formed and carburized
components with fine-grained microstructures
542 |
6,309,611 |
Apparatus for low
flux photocatalytic pollution control
543 |
6,306,215 |
Apparatus for coating
current collectors |
544 |
6,302,194 |
Pipe with ribs on its
inner surface forming a multiple thread and steam generator for using
the pipe |
545 |
6,299,705 |
heat-resistant steel and process for producing high-strength
heat-resistant steel |
546 |
6,298,674 |
Method for operating
a subcritically and transcritically operated vehicle air conditioner
547 |
6,295,678 |
Method for
pre-balancing a rotating drum having a temporarily shifting unbalance
548 |
6,294,131 |
Heat resistant steel
549 |
6,290,880 |
conducting ruthenium dioxide-aerogel composite
550 |
6,288,289 |
Integrated effluent
treatment process for nitroaromatic manufacture |
551 |
6,287,304 |
cauterization of tissue volumes with electrosurgically deployed
electrodes |
552 |
6,284,200 |
Flushing apparatus in
a simulated mobile bed adsorption unit comprising two fluid distribution
lines, and the use thereof |
553 |
6,283,138 |
Pressure relief valve
monitoring device |
554 |
6,280,744 |
Use of inorganic
aerogels in pharmacy |
555 |
6,277,543 |
Method for forming
features using frequency doubling hybrid resist and device formed
thereby |
556 |
6,277,329 |
Dissolved hydrogen
analyzer |
557 |
6,277,327 |
Method for the
anticorrosive treatment of waste plastics treating equipment
558 |
6,277,216 |
Heat-treated steels
with optimized toughness and method thereof
559 |
6,276,153 |
Method and device for
heating and cooling a compartment of a motor vehicle
560 |
6,273,921 |
Battery fabrication
method using supercritical carbon dioxide
561 |
6,272,864 |
Combustor for a gas
turbine |
562 |
6,270,835 |
Formation of this
film capacitors |
563 |
6,270,026 |
Strain relief main
shaft assembly |
564 |
6,268,676 |
Support assembly for
a rotating shaft |
565 |
6,260,369 |
Flow control valve
for a variable displacement refrigerant compressor
566 |
6,258,940 |
Method for producing
erythrose |
567 |
6,258,910 |
Polymerizing vinyl
chloride in carbon dioxide |
568 |
6,257,020 |
Process for the
cryogenic separation of gases from air
569 |
RE37,254 |
Track link for
tracked crawlers |
570 |
6,256,363 |
container for spent nuclear-fuel elements
571 |
6,255,529 |
Method of and
apparatus for decomposing wastes |
572 |
6,251,286 |
automatic skimmer |
573 |
6,248,910 |
Process for
extracting oil from oil-bearing naturally occurring organic materials
574 |
6,248,136 |
Methods for carbon
dioxide dry cleaning with integrated distribution
575 |
6,245,488 |
Method for forming
features using frequency doubling hybrid resist and device formed
thereby |
576 |
6,242,038 |
lipidic hop extract for imparting hoppy aroma and flavor to beer
577 |
6,241,802 |
Method for delivery
of gas-enriched fluids |
578 |
6,240,883 |
water-fuel composition and combustion system
579 |
6,240,859 |
reduced-carbon ash and controlled mineral formation using sub- and
supercritical high-velocity free-jet expansion into fuel-fired combustor
fireballs |
580 |
6,239,067 |
Process and apparatus
for the production of activated carbon
581 |
6,233,298 |
Apparatus for
transmutation of nuclear reactor waste
582 |
6,231,314 |
Variable displacement
compressor |
583 |
6,230,480 |
High power density
combined cycle power plant |
584 |
6,228,394 |
Supercritical fluid
extraction of mould lubricant from hard shell capsules
585 |
6,228,346 |
Propellant mixtures
and aerosols for micronizing medicaments with compressed gas
586 |
6,227,814 |
Reciprocating type
refrigerant compressor with an improved internal sealing unit
587 |
6,225,483 |
Cold solvent
extraction process for extracting oil from oil-bearing materials
588 |
6,223,534 |
arrangement for an internal combustion engine with an exhaust-gas
turbocharger |
589 |
6,221,435 |
Method for the spray
application of polymeric-containing liquid coating compositions using
subcritical compressed fluids under choked flow spraying conditions
590 |
6,221,181 |
Coating composition
for high temperature protection |
591 |
6,216,063 |
On-line .mu. method
for robust flutter prediction in expanding a safe flight envelope for an
aircraft model under flight test |
592 |
6,214,944 |
Method for
pressurizing a propylene polymerization reactor
593 |
6,214,893 |
decomposition process and polyester monomerization system
594 |
6,213,884 |
Case hardened
self-drilling, self-tapping, self-piercing fasteners and process for
making the same |
595 |
6,213,710 |
Method and apparatus
for thrust compensation on a turbomachine
596 |
6,210,751 |
Process for preparing
organically modified aerogels in which the salts formed are precipitated
out |
597 |
6,210,592 |
Deposition of
resistor materials directly on insulating substrates
598 |
6,208,234 |
Resistors for
electronic packaging |
599 |
6,207,522 |
Formation of thin
film capacitors |
600 |
6,204,401 |
polyunsaturated fatty acid glycerides |
Worldwide Patent Subcritical
[TW270555B]Method of
manufacturing polymer/
The method of manufacturing polymer according to this invention is characterized
by photopolymerizing at least one kind of polymerization precursor having
photopolymerization property by irradiation of activation energy line in a
supercritical fluid or a subcritical fluid.
Disclosed is a method for preparing a lithium-metal composite oxide, the method
comprising the steps of: (a) mixing an aqueous solution of one or more
transition metal- containing precursor compounds with an alkalifying agent and a
lithium precursor compound to precipitate hydroxides of the transition metals;
(b) mixing the mixture of step (a) with water under supercritical or subcritical
conditions to synthesize a lithium-metal composite oxide, and drying the
lithium-metal composite oxide; and (c) subjecting the dried lithium-metal
composite oxide either to calcination or to granulation and then calcination.
Also disclosed are an electrode comprising the lithium-metal composite oxide,
and an electrochemical device comprising the electrode. In the disclosed
invention, a lithium-metal composite oxide synthesized based on the prior
supercritical hydrothermal synthesis method is subjected either to calcination
or to granulation and then calcination. Thus, unlike the prior dry calcination
method or wet precipitation method, a uniform solid solution can be formed and
the ordering of metals in the composite oxide can be improved. Accordingly, the
lithium- metal composite oxide can show crystal stability and excellent
electrochemical properties.
for producing glycidiyl ether/
A method for
producing glycidyl ether using a reaction system in which an organic compound
and water react with each other to generate glycidyl ether and furthermore part
of the reaction product consecutively reacts. A filler for regulating the
consecutive reaction of glycidyl ether is provided in a reaction field of a
fluid mixture of the organic compound and the subcritical water.
containing medicine extremely slightly soluble in water and method for
preparation thereof/
composition containing a very low water-soluble drug, which composition is
produced by treating, with a supercritical or subcritical carbon dioxide fluid,
a mixture containing a very low water-soluble drug and a porous material
(exclusive of a porous silica material characterized in that the material has an
average pore diameter of 1 to 20 nm, the total pore volume of the material that
have a diameter falling within a range of +-40% of the average pore diameter
account for 60% or more the volume of all the pores of the material, and, when
subjected to X-ray diffractometry, the material exhibits one or more peaks at a
diffraction angle (2theta) corresponding to d of 1 nm or more); and a method for
producing the composition. The very-low-water-soluble-drug-containing
composition of the present invention ensures improved dissolution of the very
low water-soluble drug.
A fibrous
material of a meta-type wholly aromatic polyamide is dyed in a dyeing system
comprising a subcritical to supercritical carbon dioxide and a dye in the
presence of a polar solvent (e.g., water, methanol, acetone, propanol, or
ethylene glycol). Thus, the fibrous material, which has a rigid molecular
structure and high crystallizability, can be evenly dyed in a high color density
from the surface to the inner part of the fibers.
BE SOLVED: To provide a technology capable of accomplishing yield improvement
etc., of a fatty acid alkyl ester in a method for producing the fatty acid alkyl
ester by using an alcohol solvent.
SOLUTION: The method for producing a fatty acid alkyl ester comprises the first
process wherein a fatty acid glyceride contained in a raw material oil or fat is
hydrolyzed under a supercritical or subcritical condition to yield a fatty acid
and the second process wherein the fatty acid yielded in the first process is
esterified to yield the fatty acid alkyl ester. In the second process, (1) an
alcohol under a supercritical or subcritical condition, (2) a carboxylate under
a supercritical or subcritical condition, and solvents for (1) and (2) are used
together, thus efficiently producing the fatty acid alkyl ester useful as a BDF
(bio-diesel fuel) fuel from the raw material oil or fat
A method for
the extraction, separation, fractionation and purification of biopolymers from
plant materials using supercritical and/or subcritical solvent extractions is
disclosed. Specifically, the process can be used for the separation of resins
and rubber from guayule shrub (Parthenium argentatum), and other rubber and/or
resin containing plant materials, using supercritical solvent extraction, for
example supercritical carbon dioxide extraction. Additionally, polar and/or
non-polar co-solvents can be used with supercritical carbon dioxide to enhance
the selective extraction of resins and rubbers from the shrub
[JP2007046015]METHOD FOR
TO BE SOLVED: To provide a high safety technique for producing a high quality
plant-derived carotenoid pigment and a high purity and high concentration
[beta]-cryptoxanthin easily and efficiently at a low cost with the use of an
inexpensive and easily available raw material.
SOLUTION: The method for producing a carotenoid pigment comprises a step of
bringing a plant-derived carotenoid pigment-containing substance into contact
with the CO<SB>2</SB>in a critical or subcritical state to an extract carotenoid
pigments, and a specific carotenoid pigment is selectively condensed by
controlling the concentration of an organic solvent in the CO<SB>2